How your Silence is your Confidence

Confidence speaks softly while insecurities shout

Aiman Ali
3 min readOct 6, 2024
photo from unsplash

We, humans are designed like this that we always want to communicate about our goals, feelings, insecurities and emotions to the people who are very dear to us.

But the truth is that they can’t really do anything for us.

We all have a battle which we call life, we have to fight it alone and no one, I repeat no one, not your parents, not your friends, not your siblings and not even your partner is going to do that for you.

They can support you according to their mood but not always when you need it so why to have this emotional dependency?

Silence can often be mistaken as a weakness or insecurity but trust me, it is a profound strength that is giving the confidence?

How is silence a form of confidence?

In communication, active listening is more important than giving your point of view.

We might think that communication improve when we talk more but in reality communication is more enhanced when we are listening and observing.

It will help us absorb the information and make us realize the things about other people which we are more likely to ignore when we talk more.



Aiman Ali

I love to research the human experience by penning them down.